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Actualité volcanique, Articles de fond sur étude de volcan, tectonique, récits et photos de voyage

Les Maasai jurent de protéger le lac et ses flamants.

Un article récent de "Think pink" , de BirdLife international, nous rend un peu d'espoir concernant les perturbations qui menacent le lac Natron, suite aux projets d'implantation d'une usine de soude par Tata Chemicals.

Speaking at a meeting organised by WCST at Ngare Sero village, a Maasai elder, Mr Lasoi Ole Nareshoi, said: “God gave us this resource for use by ourselves, our children and children’s children. We will protect it from any industrial exploitation that may chase away the flamingos and damage the environment. “No one can take the Lake Natron away from us”, he added. "

The future of the local communities lies in exploiting Lake Natron’s natural beauty and not the soda ash. We all need to move on”. "
Ken Mwathe - Bird life Africa partnership secretariat.

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Ken Mwathe - BirdLife
“No one can take the Lake Natron away from us”, said Mr Lasoi Ole Nareshoi – a Maasai Elder.
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