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Actualité volcanique, Articles de fond sur étude de volcan, tectonique, récits et photos de voyage

The geysers of the Great East-African rift - 5 - Uganda.

Also in the East African Rift , but this time in Uganda , on the western branch of the rift graben in the Albertine, the Buranga hot springs form an area of ​​geothermal activity , aligned parallel to the main fault of the rift.

                 Uganda - Hot springs and swamp of  Buranga - photo sarahemcc / flickr

Burunga geothermal field
                 Situation of the sources and geothermal field of Buranga - detail in the inset

Map of Great Rift Valley.svg Kimdime69
                          Both branch of the great East African Rift are doted by lakes

Buranga sources are located near the Ruwenzori Mountains , at the base of the escarpment Bwamba . This remote corner of Uganda is covered by the only tropical lowland forest of East Africa . The area forms an own ecosystem in this forest, rich in birds, attracted by the swamps surrounding the sources, and mammals, enjoying the salt coming from the depths. Endemic microorganisms were found in the sources , two previously unknown strains of thermophilic bacteria Geobacillus .

Thirty-seven sources are divided into three separate groups of 700 meters :

Nyansimbe sources, known as male pool, has developed a cone of carbonate, surrounded by a clear hot pool at 86°C , with a diameter of 30 m, depth of more than 5 m. His flow 15 liters/seconde formed a swamp, which makes this source accessible only in the dry season .

Nyasimbe springs - wordpress
Uganda - Male hot springs to Nyansimbe - Wordpress Photo / Creative thinker -scientific mind - free spirit .

Mumbuga sources , known as female pools, are a group of sources 60 x 40 meters , accessible only in the dry season. One of them built a travertine cone, top at 1.5 meters, and terraces. Fountain 50 cm high surmounted a smoking basin, where the temperature reached 98.4°C. The flow rate was 6.5 liter / second .
 Buranga2 - Mumbuga erupting spring. - Flickr
Buranga - Mumbuga erupting spring, Sempaya Hot Springs.
              Uganda - Mumbuga hot springs - source Sempaya - photos sarahemcc / Flickr

Further south, the Kagoro sources occupy an area of 50 by 15 meters , enclosed in the forest. Sources have built travertine cones, some covered with sulfur, unique deposits in the Buranga group. The water temperature is between 60 and 91°C.

Buranga sources are subject to changes due to earthquakes associated with the fault zone that houses . At every shock, some sources appear , others disappear .

- Wondermondo - geysers of Africa
- Preliminary environmental impact assessment for the development of the geothermal prospect Buranga , Uganda - by C.Nyakecho

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