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Actualité volcanique, Articles de fond sur étude de volcan, tectonique, récits et photos de voyage

Sinabung / Sumatra continuous activity and formation of a new lobe.

Sinabung / Sumatra continuous activity and formation of a new lobe.

The head of the Sinabung observation station, Armen Putra, said in an interview with Jakarta Post that volcanic activity remains high and that future eruptions are expected.
He said that the events of March 5 are the most important in 15 days.

Pyroclastic flows have expanded to 4.5 km south of the volcano.
A forested area along the river Borus Lau, in the village of Berastapu, was destroyed by a pyroclastic flow.

Mt Sinabung Observation Station head Armen Putra
Mt Sinabung Observation Station head Armen Putra
Sinabung - lahar on Lau Borus river - photos endrolew@ 05.03.2015
Sinabung - lahar on Lau Borus river - photos endrolew@ 05.03.2015

Sinabung - lahar on Lau Borus river - photos endrolew@ 05.03.2015

Three districts located on the west of the volcano, Tiganderket, Payung and Kutabuluh were covered with ashes.
A flight to Singapore was canceled at the international airport in Deli Serdang

2015.03.06 Sinabung after the big erupsion in Thursday March 5. taken from Sebintun corn field. - Sadrah ps

2015.03.06 Sinabung after the big erupsion in Thursday March 5. taken from Sebintun corn field. - Sadrah ps

Observations show that a new dome quickly reforms, with some early rock falls and nighttime glow.

Sinabung - the new lava lobe on 06.03.2015 / 13h29 - photo Sadrah ps / Twitter

Sinabung - the new lava lobe on 06.03.2015 / 13h29 - photo Sadrah ps / Twitter

Sinabung - early rock falls and nighttime glow - photo endrolew@ 06.03.2015 / 21h51

Sinabung - early rock falls and nighttime glow - photo endrolew@ 06.03.2015 / 21h51

Sources :

- Jakarta Post - Mt Sinabung eruptions trigger forest fire, disrupt flight

- Photos via Twitter et Facebook / Mabah Lëwa & Sadrah Peranginangin.

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