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Actualité volcanique, Articles de fond sur étude de volcan, tectonique, récits et photos de voyage

Update on the Icelandic Bárðarbunga / Holuhraun eruption.

To Holuhraun, the eruption continues at the same pace as the previous day. The lava field continues to grow and reached an area of ​​38 square kilometers (estimated on 21.09), powered by a high lava speed of 250 to 350 / sec. The total volume of lava emitted is close to 500 million m³.

On 22 September, the University of Iceland published a photo showing a break on the north edge of the lava field, under the weight of the lava.

Holuhraun - 20/09/2014 lava flow view satellite EO-1 / Ali NASA

Holuhraun - 20/09/2014 lava flow view satellite EO-1 / Ali NASA

Holuhraun - lava outbreak on the north edge of the flow 22/09/2014 - photo IES

Holuhraun - lava outbreak on the north edge of the flow 22/09/2014 - photo IES

 Map of changes in flows, with surface indications on 23/09/2014 - Doc. IES

Map of changes in flows, with surface indications on 23/09/2014 - Doc. IES

New branches appeared on the lava flow, 09.22.2014 - photo IES

New branches appeared on the lava flow, 09.22.2014 - photo IES

Subsidence that marks the caldera of Bárðarbunga continues unabated too, and depression reached since its inception a depth of 27-28 meters, and an estimated volume on 23.09 of 0.6 cubic kilometers. (volume of the lava issued is 0.5 km³)

Ten earthquakes were recorded between midnight and 7am., on 25.09. The largest of the 25.09 / 8:14 measuring a magnitude of 5.2.


Subsidence that marks the caldera Bárðarbunga 09/25/2014

Subsidence that marks the caldera Bárðarbunga 09/25/2014

GPS measurements reveal movements similar surface for the past two weeks.

Movement of GPS stations on Holuhraun / Bárðarbunga on 25/09/2014 - doc IMO

Movement of GPS stations on Holuhraun / Bárðarbunga on 25/09/2014 - doc IMO

Pollution by SO2 and fine particles is locally expected on 25.09 north of Iceland, today against the east and southeast.

The indices were measured in recent days for SOat 200-600 kg / sec. and CO2 at 250-700 kg / sec.Total gases is estimated minimum 10-20000 tonnes / day, according Þorsteinn Jóhannsson, from the Icelandic Environmental Agency.

Toxicity requires the wearing of masks in the wind, in the area of the eruption, where birds were found dead.

Indices of air quality on Brittany / France indicate a significant amount of fine particles for Wednesday and Thursday in conjunction with the release of the eruption in the atmosphere, confirmed by Air Breizh direction.

The ATMO index used for these assessments is determined based on four pollutants: SO2, NO2, ozone and fine particles less than 10 μ (PM10) / also issued by other sources that the volcanic ... on 25.09, the Atmo index was 8 on a scale of 10 to Brest, St Brieuc, Rennes, Lorient and Vannes.

Simulation of the movement of fine particles on 09/22/2014 over the British Isles, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and northern France - map Der Spiegel on line

Simulation of the movement of fine particles on 09/22/2014 over the British Isles, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and northern France - map Der Spiegel on line

Rear projection of fine particulate 09/24/2014, with impact on Brittany / France  - Air Breizh map

Rear projection of fine particulate 09/24/2014, with impact on Brittany / France - Air Breizh map

Some interesting pictures of the crack, active and inactive part, with a photogenic cone ... and the lava flow in Jökulsá á Fjöllum.

Craters south of  the Holuhraun fissure and in the background, the white plume erupting from the activecrater Baugur - Photo: Vedurstofa Islands 24/09/2014

Craters south of the Holuhraun fissure and in the background, the white plume erupting from the activecrater Baugur - Photo: Vedurstofa Islands 24/09/2014

 The lava flow in Jökulsá á Fjöllum. - Photo 24.09.02014 IMO

The lava flow in Jökulsá á Fjöllum. - Photo 24.09.02014 IMO

Sources :

- IMO, IES, Iceland Review

- Der Spiegel, Air Breizh et French medias.

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