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Actualité volcanique, Articles de fond sur étude de volcan, tectonique, récits et photos de voyage

Volcán de Colima : an awaited webcam because of its explosive activity!

Facebook announces the anniversary of Retuit and the webcam of Colima.

Facebook announces the anniversary of Retuit and the webcam of Colima.

The World of volcanophily has a new webcam from January 16, with the installation of a public webcam at Volcán de Colima.

Installation results from sponsorship
Retuit / Sky Alert / Sergio Tapiro foto ; she was installed at 12.5 km from Colima Volcano, in the Laguna de Carrizalillos in Comala, which enjoys spectacular views of this beautiful stratovolcano.

It is available via this link: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/webcam-volcan-de-colima.html


Volcán de Colima - 16.01.2015 / 18h00 - Doc. webcamdemexico

Volcán de Colima - 16.01.2015 / 18h00 - Doc. webcamdemexico

This webcam was expected ... as reported by our friend Robin Campion, a volcanologist at UNAM and one of the leaders of the L.A.V.E. Belgium section to its business in Mexico, Colima seems to evolve since the end of last year to a more explosive mode.

After a first major explosion on November 21, the activity was followed by a sequence of successive explosions on December 24, accompanied by a plume of 2km.

On 3 January, the Global Volcanism Program reports an explosion in Colima, which generated a plume of 3km. and ash falls on an area up to 150 km NE of the volcano. More explosions are reported on 8 and 11 January, and a plume 12.

it's to the webcam to resume live observations ... with images of 16 and 17 January 2015.


Volcán de Colima - 17.01.2015 / 7:00 - Doc. webcamdemexico

Volcán de Colima - 17.01.2015 / 7:00 - Doc. webcamdemexico

Colima on 08/01/2015 - photo Ángel Guardián via Tapiro foto / Facebook

Colima on 08/01/2015 - photo Ángel Guardián via Tapiro foto / Facebook


- Tapiro foto / Facebook

- Robin des Volcans / Overblog - link

- Global Volcanism Program - Colima



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